Weeeeelcome to MANIC MONDAY. I'll be your host on what was, of course another CRAZY Monday. I have decided to post my weekly plans and preparation for the week on Mondays because it's always crazy getting back to the grind after the weekend.
Anyway, we are doing an ALPHABET COUNTDOWN to the end of the year. It's hard to believe there are only 28 days left in the school year. WOW! Time seems to fly.
Our team was inspired by none other than GREG SMEDLEY of the Kindergarten Smorgasboard. If you don't follow him then you should because he rocks! He was my first and true #TCT (Teacher Crush Tuesday.) As in, I want to be like him when I grow up. :)
Our countdown starts Wednesday 4/28.
Z- Zebras
Y-Yellow Day
X- eXchange autographs
W-Western Day/ Where the Wild Things Are
V-Violet Day
U-Umbrella Day
T-Thank You Notes
S-Sunglasses Day
R- Rainbows
Q- QU Wedding
O- Oranges
N- New Name Dau
M- Mustaches
L- Luau
K- King Crowns
J- Jump Rope
I- Ice Cream
H-Hat Day
G- Glitter
F- Finger-paint
E-Elephant Craft
Apples - We eat apples and do an apple craft
B- Blowing Bubbles outside
C- Cookies as a snack. I also have cookie centers!
D- I will bring doughnuts to the kids.
E- Elephant Craft
F- Fingerpaint activity
G- Glitter Craft. We may even do balloon filled glitter bombs and pop them outside.
H- Wear hats to school.
I - Ice cream craft & Ice cream snack
J- Jump Rope outside
K- Making crowns fit for a KING
L- making Luau leis
M- Mustaches- Reading Mustache Baby and painting mustaches on our faces
N- New Name - Writing prompt for out new names and wearing name tags
O- Orange day. Wear orange. Eat Oranges. Do Ostrich craft.
P- Picnic outside.
Q- QU Wedding Craft.
R- Rainbow Crafting
S- Wear sunglasses
T- Write Thank you notes to our favorite school staff. I.e. Janitors, lunch ladies etc.
U- Umbrella Craft
V- Wear purple/violet
W-Western Day. Read Where the Wild Things Are.
X- Greg Smedley's Autograph book.
Y- Wear Yellow
Z- Zebra Craft
Click Here to get to the post that has the eXchange autographs book!
So this is all in addition to our regular curriculum because "FUN" is something we have to schedule ourselves and is not built in to the curriculum.
Also, I am working on a Farm Animals Unit. Here is a sneak peek. ;)
AND... I have tidied up my Pinterest Boards. I am considering making this collaborative. If anyone is interested then leave me a comment below.
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