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Differentiated Spring Center

Thursday, March 31, 2016
Differentiation. It's been the teaching catchphrase for a while. How is it done in Kindergarten? Personally, I differentiate in centers/workstations. 

My latest creation was meant to be a blending center but I realize that I could differentiate it but cutting it different easy. 
Kids that aren't ready to blend and need to work on beginning, middle, and ending sound can use it like this...

Instead of the kids having to spell and blend the WHOLE word, I just cut out different pieces to focus on different skills.

It can also be use to match CVC words to pictures if spelling the whole word is too difficult.

You can download it Here.

Spring Centers

Sunday, March 13, 2016

I always make big plans to keep up with my blog and update it all school year and then.. BAM!!! Life happens. I get so busy with school that this project goes on the back burner but I am making a resolution to post at least ONCE a week!

I spent Spring Break watching Netflix and relaxing but I can't help but make things for my classroom. I am an addict. What can I say? It could be worse. I am working on Easter/Spring centers for the rest of March and April.

My kids are fighting over these egg centers. They absolutely love them.

Here is my newest free spring center. It's available in color and an ink saving b&w version. 

And it was rainy on Thursday so we couldn't have our Easter Egg hunt outside but I made it work inside and we even had our picnic inside. The kids loved it.