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Anchor Chart Tips

Monday, November 20, 2017

I don't know about anyone else but I love seeing beautiful anchor charts all over Pinterest. It's similar to the new crayon smell or warm copies off the printer. It's just one of those little things that make me happy. Unfortunately, I am not that talented when it comes to drawing beautiful charts off the top of my head.
Also, it takes FOREVER to draw and color a pretty chart only to have it thrown away after a lesson. My heart breaks a little. 
I have found a few tips that make my anchor charts look pretty but are also reusable in my classroom.

I made a few different basic backgrounds with some pretty border. These take forever to color which is why I REUSE them. I used a mix of markers and crayons. Then I use print outs and STICKY NOTES on the anchor chart. I'd like to say that I laminate them and have them all organized but that's just not the type of teacher I am. I print them on regular paper or card-stock as needed. The sticky notes work great. Here are some examples of what my anchor charts look like. 




These anchor chart pieces can be found in my Kinder Reads series. Click here to check them out.

A week of STEM: Force and Motion

I love science in Kindergarten! The excitement on their faces is the cutest because they’ve never seen these activities before. So, here’s some simple and fun force and motion experiments to have fun with your kiddos.

1. Ramps

We used tissue boxes and marker boards. Super simple. Each table got multiple boxes and boards to try and make them as long and/or y’all as they could. We tied yarn around the car to work on push/pull.

2. Pulleys

This activity required some yarn and a few light weight buckets. We also added blocks for weight and watched how it affected the yarn.

3. Pom Pom Poppers
These were much harder to make than I anticipated. I made them on my prep and let partners explore them by seeing who could pop their pompom the farthest. 

4. Catapults

We made catapults out of rubber bands and popsicle sticks. 

5.  Balloon race

I don’t have pictures of this one but essentially. Balloon, yarn and a piece of paper (or straw.) We got into groups and raced our balloons. Kids loved it.